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) and the “Vietnam Journal of Computer Science” (Scopus, eSCI) by World Scientific Publishing. Both journals are indexed in Scopus and e-SCI databases. Consequently, more quality papers presented at CITA sessions will be selected for extended publication in special issues of these journals.

Authors/author groups are presenting at parallel sessions

The conference features 11 parallel sessions covering prominent and rapidly developing topics in information technology, communications, and the digital economy, including:

  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence;
  • Image Processing and Natural Language Processing;
  • Software Engineering and Information Systems;
  • Networking and Communications;
  • Digital Economy.

Additionally, CITA 2024 includes special sessions on Artificial Intelligence and Collective Intelligence for Social Media; Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, and Cryptography; Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy; and Computer Vision.

Award Student Best Paper, Regular Best Paper and Best Special Session to authors/author groups

At the closing ceremony of CITA 2024, the organizing committee evaluates and awards the “Student Best Paper” to the paper “A GAN-based Rain Augmentation for Enhancing the Accuracy of License Plate Detection” by authors Anh Tuan Nguyen Dai, Thanh Binh Nguyen from the University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; the “Regular Best Paper” to “MCST-Net: A Multi-Cross-Spatial Attention U-Net with Transformer Block for Skin Lesion Segmentation” by authors Manh-Hung Vu, Du-Ngoc Tran, Hoang-Minh-Quang Le, Thi-Thao Tran, and Van-Truong Pham from Hanoi University of Science and Technology; and the “Best Special Session” to the Special Session on Cyber Security, Digital Forensics & Cryptography, chaired by Prof. Dr. Kim-Kwang Raymond Cho (Singapore), Dr. Huu-Tram Truong (Singapore), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nhien-An Le-Khac (Ireland).

The 13th International Conference on Information Technology and its Applications (CITA 2024) witnesses breakthrough discussions and new ideas with effective collaboration that will help shape the future of technology and its applications. CITA 2024 once again affirms its reputation and professional quality, serving as a bridge for scientists at home and abroad to contribute their intelligence, science, and technology in the field of information technology, communications, and digital economy, promoting the development of science and digital transformation in the nation.

The CITA Organizing Committee presents the flag to the Representative of the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT) who will host CITA 2025 in Cambodia

On behalf of the organizing committee, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Huynh Cong Phap expresses his sincere gratitude to the scientists: Prof. DSc. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Khac Nhien An, Prof. Christian Boitet for their valuable contributions to CITA 2024. Special thanks are also extended to KOICA, FISU Vietnam, and the ACIR community for their support. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap, Head of the CITA 2024 Organizing Committee, also announces the call for papers for CITA 2025, expected to be held in Cambodia, hosted by the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology on July 11-12, 2025.

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